Interventions should always be facilitated by an experienced, skilled interventionist in a delicate and caring manner in a way that the individual of concern does not feel like they are being attacked. In addition it is imperative that all interventions are individualized and unique and will use a blend of three different models of rehab intervention. The Three different kinds of Intervention models include

The ARISE Intervention Model involves family members in a collaborative intervention process that reduces guilt and blame and allows the family, interventionist, and dependent person to stay focused on helping the addict get into treatment.
The JOHNSON Intervention Model raises the bottom for an addict, which is often death, by compassionately confronting the addict with the consequences of their addiction. The bottom is raised by precipitating a crisis in the addict’s life that is not threatening, damaging, or fatal and compels them into treatment.
The SYSTEMIC Intervention Model is an alternative to traditional confrontational intervention models because family, friends, and colleagues form a team to work with the dependent person and address the issues in a loving and respectful manner. It is a successful system precisely because the focus is on patient, but firm, coaching instead of negative confrontation.
Using these three models an expert interventionist will be able to generate the response from your loved one of interest. Because the interventions that have the most lasting success will be firm, but compassionate, and non-adversarial rehab intervention style to help empower he client and help compel them into treatment. At the same time, rehab interventionists masterfully foster collaboration between the family and the individual without the crippling guilt and blame that often prevents people from seeking help. A rehab interventionists help everyone stay focused on the hope for recovery that addiction treatment brings.
By collaborating together as a group and focusing on the hope for recovery as a group, free from the normal guilt and shame associated with addictions, a rehab intervention is as much a healing event for the group as it is the individual. An expert addiction treatment interventionist will provide professional recommendations for everyone affected by the disease of addiction and will work to serve the groups addiction recovery needs.